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Healthy body and a healthy mind are one of the greatest blessings

A healthy body and a healthy mind are one of the greatest blessings. People tend to live a decent and healthy life, but find it difficult to cope up with this trend. Out of all the physical activities beneficial to the human body and mind, a nice morning troll is considered as the lead. Morning walk is very good exercise for the body and health, procuring a lot of natural benefits and advantages. An early-riser can be a regular morning walker. The benefits of morning walk are manifold. In the early morning, everything looks fresh and fold. The atmosphere remains pleasant and calm. A morning walker breathes pollution-free air. The body entices to the sound of chirping birds and sense of calmness around. All these factors can be helpful on soothing the mind and the body.

Regular morning walk keeps one fit. A daily schedule of a 30-minute morning walk can result in hormonal changes in the body. It also helps form a sound and healthy body. According to medical science, it is a natural remedy to keep the body fresh and healthy. All muscles lighten up during a regular schedule. It also helps keep blood pressure in control, lessens stress and strain and energizes one to work zealously.
During these unprecedented times, human bodies are getting affected by the fast-pacing and toxic calamity of social and environmental changes around. Morning walk also prevents accumulation of fat in the body and keeps the muscles flexible. It summarizes the following benefits:
Improved mental balance and health

Better sleep at night as muscles rejuvenate and circulate fresh and pure oxygen through the body.
Diabetes stay at low risk as sugar and calories are burned through walking.
A natural remedy for muscles, acting as relaxant

Lower cholesterol and improved pumping of blood through the heart reduces any inflammatory risks or heart diseases. It also strengthens cardiovascular muscles.
Results in an energizing and exciting start to the day, due to increased endorphins released during pleasant morning.
Early muscular activity and kick-off results in an increased metabolism and hormonal changes in the body.
Helps in keeping the weight at control through burning of excessive fats, cholesterol, sugar, proteins and other ingredients deemed necessary to maintain a healthy body.

Results in an improved immune system that helps in fighting and resisting ill setup and diseases.
Results in spine and lumbar support

Morning walk has also been studied to reduce depression, anxiety and nervousness as early physical exercise results in release of endorphins in the body. It also helps in regulating insulin in the body which keeps sugar related problems at basic level. Lung capacity increases resulting in better breathing capacity and also helps the body in energizing the necessary natural minerals to expand the lungs. It also helps clear the arteries and keeps blood form clotting that might result, at a later stage, in cardiovascular diseases. Studies have shown and proven that morning walk acts a natural remedy against muscle fatigue and tightness. For proper digestion, morning walk acts as a regular remedy as it releases necessary acids required to burn and dissolve energy elements from the food.

It has now become more than just a physical exercise or an aerobic activity to move / activate the muscles. As such, there are no adverse or side-effects of a continuous morning walk, rather people now a days tend to make this a regular habit. As sedentary lifestyles are on the verge of rise in these unprecedented times, it could result in excessive weight gain and obesity in some cases, resulting in chronic diseases at a later stage of life. During early hours, as one wakes up from a good-night’s sleep, the hormones are at verge of being released. Morning walks acts a catalyst to these changes resulting in maintenance of a good and healthy body.

One can make this a regular trend of his/her life. Starting off with a light meal before morning walk, can be good to force the body to prepare for the necessary coming prospects. Dopamine and endorphins release at a faster rate in the morning, therefore, a morning walk can substitute the need to consider something that makes one happy otherwise. As it is not said in vain: “Early to bed, early to rise, makes the man healthy,

wealthy and wise”.

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