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Hair loss treatment through PRP Platelet rich Plasma injections

Hair loss or male-pattern baldness has becoming a growing issue in today’s generation, especially among men over 40.
Researchers, scientists and dermatologists continue to come up with new and innovative techniques to improve this condition. PRP is one such technique.

In this technique, a patient’s own blood cells are used to treat the areas suffering over the head. The technique has also become popular in sports industries for treating related injuries. The results of the treatment are noticed usually after a period of 4 to 6 weeks with slow healing and thickening of hairline.

The initial draft of the treatment is not permanent and may require the patient to have continuous doses (injections) of PRP, drawn from their own blood until results. Since the blood is drawn from the patient’s own body, the procedure is medically safe. This technique has also become popular in cosmetic treatments amongst female community.

Platelets in human body help in clotting abilities. These cells regenerate growth hormones for cell reproduction and stimulate tissue growth in particular muscles of human body. Blood from the patient is collected in centrifuge tube which basically spins and separates other particles from the blood. The remaining portion pf platelets (plasma) is then used for treating the patient for hair loss. The injection increases the concentration of proteins in platelets (plasma) at the area applied over scalp (spots showing baldness / patches).
This technique has proven to be really affective in seekers of hair-loss solution as the plasma rich platelets concentrate on cell reproduction and growth of cells over the scalp applied.

The procedure is of low risk as the patient is drawn from the person’s own body and does not cause any side effects. Usually, the skin becomes swollen for some time but as the plasma starts to reproduce cells, the swollen area starts to heal and results appear in 4 to 6 weeks through thickened hairline; where old cells that have died and caused hair loss start to reproduce.

A few side effects, that are not so common, are:

Swelling of scalp and face
Tissue damage
Bleeding from nose
Nerve damage (a very rare case)

The procedure has become popular and expensive these days as multiple injections are required to be injected into the patient’s head (scalp) for desired results. Due to its increased popularity and promotion through social media influencers, the treatment is prescribed and used globally and results are observant in about 75% to 90% of patients.

A good feature of this procedure is that as such, no communicable disease can be contracted during injecting. Yet, a few patients complain of temporary headache, nausea, itching on head scalp and temporary discoloration. Each patient has a different reaction to the treatment and depending on severity of hair-loss.

The treatment is not prescribed for hair-loss if the patient is suffering from low-platelet counts, platelet dysfunction or any other blood-related disease. Quality of equipment, nutritional diet and doctor’s experience in this treatment for hair-loss also account for such details.
A downside of this treatment is that it is expensive, since cosmetic procedures are not covered under medical insurance. Yet, desperate solution seeking people suffering of hair loss tend to pay whatever amount necessary to alter their looks, in mere of winning impropriety with the general public.

Speaking from a personal experience, I myself have seen a few people from my office environment who have gone through this harmless experience to gain looks and enjoy a breeze of rejuvenation at an older age (after 40s).

In a nutshell, PRP is considered and effective treatment for hair-loss and could be considered. Of course, depending on the patient seeking the ailment, Doctors usually perform relevant medical teste to ensure safe reaction to platelet withdrawal from the body and ensuring that as such, no blood-related conditions are prevalent in the patient, that can cause problems at a later stage.

Being part of regenerative medicine, the technique is old and was earlier used sports related injuries. Although, as such, there is no such standardized method for preparation or preemptive execution of the procedure, yet the procedure is considered safe; as the psychology of this treatment revolves around withdrawing blood from the patient’s body and injecting in the

affected areas of the scalp.

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