The first 3 up sets are usually comes in the first 4 pc papers after result with new tips . There are different sets of 3 up in the 4 pc papers in every new month and we these tips sets are help to make the 3 up first sets . Sometimes these tips show the single sets and sometimes more then five or seven sets tips . But if we use these 4 pc paper tips sets for the final tips its confuse us so its very simple we have to make those tips for the sets which are with only single tips .
3 Up Single Sets
Because the 3 up single tips having so much easy tips and if we use for the 3 up first sets the only two or three sets comes for the 3upĀ final resultĀ . There is no compulsory for us to make the so many sets we have to make only a few sets with the help of 3 up tips in the 4 pc papers .
3 Up First sets
This month in the 4 pc papers only three sets which having also strong tips and these are also pass in previous result papers . So we should continue with these three sets for the first tips sets . The theory is little different from the last papers because in the last tips sets paper have more then eight sets . These first sets are very important for the result and when we finalize the 3 up first sets we compare these sets with the last papers because this thing also make
the 3 up first sets .