The opening sets in 3 up chart route are evetimes different and its such effort to find the make the opening sets from chart . There are two factors which we have to find the first one is the tips and the second one is the pair for making setup for 3 up chart route sets . But we use some easy method for 3 up but its rare miss in chart route tis papers . Now from our side the main 3 up tips is 1 and 6 and everyone is very confuse about these two tips because its repeating in paper almost seven time .
The second factor is very easy and that is just collect the tips papers and common all those tips with each other and make the the opening sets for the 3 up . But here are some important task is showing if we common the tips that also showing that 1 and 6 so we start all the 3 up sets with 1 and 6 in 3 up chart . These tips also use in 2 down sets as well because all the tips through out this year is same in 3 up and 2 down tips papers .
The last time the result in double figure that its repeated almost three months that all result in double figure . So this time there is chances that 3 up sets result might be in single . The proper learning of 3 up chart route is very important for those who use to make the 3 up sets . Because all the single number and all the total and pair setup are in chart
routes papers .