The 3 Up center running tips papers are fully completed with all pass tipsĀ just one thing left yet . The last and third paper which having the only the total set tips . The total of the set papers are very important for the each set of center running tips. Now we also mention one more thing and that is the which tips is also pass in the second papers .
So if the second tips paper pass then its will proceed for the next center running tips papers which also complete the tips papers . Sometimes there are only one simple sets with the total and sometimes its will comes with 6 sets . For now we have to proceeding with 6 sets with center tips of every sets . The last time we did not find the last tips of center running papers because all tips from we were make from first pc papers . This time we already make all running tips from all completed papers .
The tips papers have the all kind of sets including the total and pair of sets which is also using for the down sets tips papers . But everyone focus on the 3 up center running tips because its more accurate the sets on the 3 up . If we make the just two or the tips sets from the center running papers that’s also helpful for the further tips papers . Once all papers are completed with the several tips then we look forward for the last tips papers which having the total tips of center running
papers of the 3 up .